so if you are  come  across to this article then definitely . you are searching for ip and other related stuff towards it. lets talked about ip what it is ? .

so when as  a newbie when i heard this word ip . at that time the  only question which i had in my mind is that what  ip means what is i and p means . so here ip represents internet protocol . now the second question which arises in my mind is that what is protocol . so protocol is basically the set of rules and regulation .

what is IP address

so now the  actual question  is what is ip addresses. in simple words ip address is  numeric value  assigned to each computer . which is connected to a computer networks that uses internet protocol for communication. or you can say ip address is your identity over the internet.

so now lets try to understand this concept by an example.

suppose you are kid and only wish  you had right now  is  that to join school for your studies , for making friend circle, for playing with them . so inorder to get there you have to take admission first in that school right. and then only  you gonna get your roll no and class right. so this  same thing happens when we join any networks that uses internet protocal . our computer got assigned ip adress which is an identity of our computer in that network.just like in above case roll of that kid is the identity of the kid in the class Right so same exist for computer networks ip adress is an identity of a computer when connected in a network.

Standards of internet protocal 

  • ip v4
  • ip v6

so now the only question which is roaming in your head is that what is this ipv4 and ipv6 means Right. it is nothing just a standard of giving address to the computer. just like how rollno is assigned by the teacher in schmetaic order by looking out the name of the stutdent right. 

so now lets talked about ipv4?

what is ipv4? 

if we talked about ipv4 itself define is that it is  internet protocal version 4 . which is deployed by ARPANET in 1983 . today it is most widely and popular ip version but  as we know that ipv4  uses a 32 - bit address schema  which allows us to assign  about 2 ^ 32 addresses if we count  which is more than 4 billion addressses. so as  that it is developed in 1983 at that time nobody thought internet gonna to grow so much fast. so here the problem comes with the popularity of the internet as we know that it can assign ip to approximately nearly 4 billion  users. so here comes the shortage of ips. so the problem is that how to assign ips  to the upcoming users . so  from here onwards  a word arisses that is ipv6. now ?

what is ipv4?

A public IPv4 address, such as the one assigned to whatever device you’re reading this article on, is made up of numbers and digits. It looks something like this .

example of ipv4 address.

An IPv4 address can be any combination of four individual numbers from 0 to 254. That’s four bytes, with a total range of 4.3 billion possible addresses.

what is ipv6 ?

what is ipv6 ?

as before ipv6 define itself that internet protocal version 6  .this new ip address version contains 128 bits each. which allows us to assign trillons of ip address to the devices which is connected to the internet. That means instead of zero through 10 (base 10), they can use zero through 10 plus ‘a’ through ‘f’ (base 16). This gives us a total range of 340 undecillion (3.4 x 10^28) possible combinations.

We won’t have to worry about running out of IPv6 addresses any time soon.

so now i hope we all got to know what is ip addresses , what is ipv4 and ipv6. so now lets talk about some more things.

such as what is private ip, public ip , dynamic ip, static ip.

what is private ip address ?

what is private ip address ?

as name define itself private ip means when the ip .which is assigned when we are connected to a private network. that ip we called private ip. for example home network or office network.

 what is public ip address?

what is public ip address?

as name define itself here also public ip means the ip which is assigned when we are connected to a public network. that ip we called public ip. for example internet.

what is static ip ?

what is static ip ?

static ip are those ip address which do not change their ip address. Here it means to say that whenever we are connected to the internet our ip address remain constant. we wanna to understand a till bit you have to understand what is dynamic ip so lets talk about that right.

what is dynamic ip ?

what is dynamic ip ?

Dynamic ip are those ip address which changes their ip address. here it means that whenever we are connnected to the internet the ip which is assigned by DHCP protocal is for a limited period of time. after that time is over a new ip is assigned to our device. so ip is never remains constant. 

so i hope you all got to know the difference between both them . static ip generally busissnesses, for gaming.