Hey whats up buddies.. 

so the question is  what  is domain name system in short we call it dns . we all heard google.com ,  facbook.com ,  yahoo.com ,youtube .com all the major websites or platforms . so here what we know  is the domain name . google , yahoo, facebook , youtube all these are  domain name . so  whenever we type 

www.google.com in our browser is basially a domain name. but in actual what is happening behind the scences is this domain name is converted by domain name server into a ip . and we all very well know  that if we want to send ,  receive  a file over the network the thing by which we communicate with each other  is through ip adresses.

so whatever the domain we are  typing in our browser is basically a ip of that particular platform. lets try to understand this concept by an example suppose  right now you made a new friend and you wanna phone number of that friend  in order to talk to that friend right . so now your friend gave you no . so now what you do . you simply gonna to save this new ph no of your friend into contanct list right . so  here what we are doing we  are saving a phno by putting name onto it  right right . because it is lot more easier to remember  name of that person as compare to the phone number.

so  now this  same thing happens over the internet . think can you remember ip address of several websites which is look this  : , .

or ask yourself can you remember the whole contanct list of  your phone no . answer is no because it is  very hard for us . so here the concept of dns . what dns do actully is this it help us to give domain name to the hosting computer. so what i mean by this..

so lets suppose i wanna to browse facebook.com so here what i am gonna do is simply type their domain name into the search bar of the browser  and serach it . so now  this request goes  to the domain name server which check this domain name and give back the ip of that computer . whom which this domain is connected to. and finally our browser goes to that ip address and we can easily access facebook home page . so  i hope this article gave you a little bit idea about how actually domain name sytem work ? 

now the second question which is roaming in your mind. how you can use domain name for your website  right. so ther lots of website which provide domain names to the customer you can simply buy  domain name from them for a limited period of time.