so if you are come across this article then definitely you are  new to the programming world . Right So the first question which is revolving in your head is that what is git? . in simple words. git is version control computer Application Now the second question which is revolving in your mind is what is version control. so before we gonna answer this question .lets first talked about why there is a need for git.

new programmer

New programmer

we all know that whenever we create any project whether it's an application or a website .so at the time of development of that project we all know that how much code we edit , rewrite and replace it. we manually track our project . we keep on remembering which line of code we have written today. and where we wrote it. in our code file until it become successfully Build .So its very diffcult for our mind to keep  on tracking such huge code file and the condition becomes more worse  when its comes to the developing projects with team of developers . because in that it's become totally impossible keep on tracking each and every  team member .and there comes lots of code conflicts or Errors Happens.

working on a project

working on a project

so here comes out our version what actually version control do is keep on tracking our project from the  scratch. so if something we have written down wrong code today. we can easily rollback to its previous state or previous version with the help of version control  and we don't have to remember which line of code we have to edit to rollback it to its previous state. and its become very easy to track all the team members with the help of version control or in other words the term version control refers the system which  records changes that we kept on doing in our project.

so right now in market there are lots of version control such as git , gitlab , Bitbucket But among this git is very popular version control system . git is developed by linus Torvals in 2005. so the now actual question what is git ? .

1 . what is git ?

git logo image 

so simply git is a distributed version control system . which is used for to kept tracking changes in our project and makes easier to collaborate with other developers . you can  download git from official website of git.

Example on git 

so lets i give an anlogy by an example what actually git do .


so lets suppose you are diarist who daily document his entire day in a diary. so what actually you are doing ? you are tracking your each and every day inside a diary Right. by this manner you  easily can go back whichever be the date you wanna go and can check what are thing you have done at that particular date. its so similar to the git which also do the  same work for you right.  That is tracking the changes you have done in your source code .   

2. Now the second question is " what is github" ?

Github logo image

github is a hosting service website where you can  host your repositories or in short repo . now you gonna ask me what is repositories . whenever we track our project  file with  the help of git .  git  creates a file  which we call it repositories  this  repos contains our whole historial and the changes which we have done in  our project  file so now its clear to us  what is github  its free to create gihub account and host your  repos over their.

example on github

Hodting our git file into github

Lets i give an anlogy by an simple example .lets suppose your github is  just like as your google drive  for your source code  and your file manager is just like as your git . so by file manger you can easily manage your phone data right. but with the help of google drive we can easily host our phone data over the internet . this is what exactly git and github git we track our project souce code and by github we can save this tracking and our project file  over the internet and easily can collaborate with other fellow developers.